Certificate help

When you have completed a course you will be able to download a completion certificate via a button that appears in the progress summary box at the top of the course page. If you feel you have completed a course but can’t access this button please ensure you have recorded all the relevant activities as completed in your activity log.

Certificate button on course page

The number of Plus points shown on your course certificate are awarded based on the approximate number of hours of learning involved in completing the required activities for the course. See below for instructions on how to add relevant accreditation details on your certificate.

You may wish to make the following changes to your certificates:

  1. Set the name displayed
  2. Display your professional registration organisation and licence number
  3. Display appropriate course accreditation details

Define the your name displayed on your certificate

The name that appears on this certificate is set on your Plus profile.

The Display name publicly as defines the name that will be displayed on your certificates. You may need to change the entries for First name and Last name on your profile page to get an appropriate option to select for the Display name publicly as option.

Changing the name displayed on the forum

Make sure you click the Update profile button at the bottom of the page to save your new profile settings.

Display your registration organisation and licence number

Most countries have a national registration organisation that is responsible for licensing physiotherapists / physical therapists to allow them to practice. For example in the UK this organisation is the Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC). You may choose to optionally display these details on your course completion certificates by selecting the appropriate organisation and providing your license number on your Plus profile page.

Profile licensing info

Display appropriate course accreditation details

Courses on the Plus site have been accredited by a wide variety of independent educational quality assurance organisations. Depending on your country and state of residence you may wish to display the relevant accreditation on your course completion certificate. You can add these details to your certificate by setting your place of residence in your Plus profile page.

Profile licensing info