Our Community Culture

This community culture has been developed to foster a professional community of learning among Plus users. It is our shared set of beliefs, expectations and values that influence our individual learning and the ways in which the individuals in our community interact with one another and collaborate to achieve common objectives.

As a member of the Plus community you must agree to:

  • Stay within your scope of practice. It is unacceptable for any health care professional to operate outside of their professional scope of practice. Completing a Plus learning activity/course does not mean that you qualified to practice in the related domain.
  • Understand that Plus, as an online education provider, does not teach practical skills. Completing learning activities/courses in Plus does not mean you have been trained to perform the related practical skills.
  • Respect others. In Plus you are part of an international professional community. You will respect others at all times particularly where there are language barriers, unbalanced levels of education and cultural differences.
  • Understand the non-hierarchical structure. In this dynamic engaged community, everyone is equal irrespective of their profession, age, gender, experience and qualifications.
  • Be both a learner and a teacher. We all have knowledge to share and there will always be situations where we can help each other regardless of our age, experience or geographical location. Make contributions where you can.
  • Contribute to meaningful discussions. Discussion forums can be an excellent source of knowledge sharing. You will make an effort to both read and appropriately contribute to discussion posts with helpful and educational comments.
  • Log your learning activities honestly. You will record the completion of your Plus learning activities in your activity log honestly.
  • Respect certification requirements. Where learning activities are identified as required elements for course completion you will complete these activities to attain certification.
  • Be responsible for your own learning outcomes. You decide what you need to learn to develop professionally and improve outcomes for your clients. You will personally identify these needs and select learning activities that can help you meet your own learning outcomes.

Plus Instructor financial and non-financial disclosures: All Instructors/Organisations are paid either with royalties or once-off payments per course and have the option to donate their income to the Physiopedia charity