Plus instructors
Douglas Adams

Doug Adams is a physical therapist with a passion for running gait analysis, education, sports medicine, and mentorship

Douglas Adams


Physical Therapist

Association of Clinical Excellence


Doug Adams is a Physical Therapist in Delaware, USA. He has an undergraduate degree in Exercise Science before completing his Doctorate of Physical Therapy. He went on to complete a sports residency, becoming a Board Certified Specialist. He practices in an out-patient sports and orthopaedic practice and his passions in the profession are Running Gait Analysis, Education, Sports Medicine, and Mentorship. He has published on Running and ACL topics and continues to actively participate in research. Doug co-founded an education company, Association of Clinical Excellence, focused on making excellent results possible for all clinicians.


No relevant relationships disclosed by instructor.

Featured Review
Really comprehensive course and very structured and detailed without being overwhelming.
James McAssey
Rehabilitation of Running Biomechanics
2 Courses
2123 Participants
117 Reviews
4.3 Stars
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Common Biomechanical Errors in Runners

1.5-2 hours


Ari Kaplan & Douglas Adams

Presented by Ari Kaplan & Douglas Adams

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Rehabilitation of Running Biomechanics

1-1.5 hours


Ari Kaplan & Douglas Adams

Presented by Ari Kaplan & Douglas Adams