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Paediatrics Physiotherapy Group of the SASP

Paediatrics Physiotherapy Group of the South African Society of Physiotherapy

Paediatrics Physiotherapy Group of the SASP


The Paediatrics Special Interest Group of the South African Society of Physiotherapy aims to provide an interactive platform for the promotion and enhancement of paediatric physiotherapy in various fields of practice (neurodevelopmental, respiratory & orthopaedics) at a provincial and national level within the SASP and in the public domain. Their focus is to grow and protect the field of interest within the profession as well as support and raise awareness on paediatric specific topics and causes in the community. Furthermore, they strive to promote evidence-based practice guidelines, position papers, educational materials and paediatric specific continued professional development (CPD) activities.

1 Courses
460 Participants
70 Reviews
4.4 Stars
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Benign Joint Hypermobility Syndrome

1-1.5 hours


Tracy Prowse & Paediatrics Physiotherapy Group of the SASP

Presented by Tracy Prowse & Paediatrics Physiotherapy Group of the SASP