Docenti di Plus
Chris Tuckett

Fisioterapista, manager, scrittore, docente e specialista nelle cadute

Chris Tuckett

Senior Physiotherapist

Riguardo a

Chris Tuckett è un fisioterapista del Regno Unito, attivamente impegnato nella promozione della fisioterapia all’interno del Servizio Sanitario Nazionale (NHS). Dimostra una leadership efficace come manager, docente e scrittore nei campi dell’invecchiamento attivo e della prevenzione delle cadute. Ha conseguito un master sul Miglioramento della qualità e della sicurezza dei pazienti ed è autore del modulo didattico “Movement for Movement”, utilizzato in diversi corsi di laurea in medicina sull’importanza dell’attività fisica. Dà l’esempio essendo un appassionato runner e nuotatore.


Il docente non ha rivelato alcuna relazione rilevante.

Recensione in evidenza
A well presented interesting course that makes us review how we see older people and how society and our health care systems respond to ageing. It demonstrates the need for change around how we treat older people and how we could save the NHS a lot of money through early intervention exercise programmes. The need to change how older people are cared for in hospitals also needs to change by allowing them their independence and by giving them more stimulation.
Hayley Ingham
Fall Prevention Through Exercise
Great course! I've been working with the elderly population and this course gave me additional knowledge to share with my clients.
Jamie-Ann Dula
Fall Prevention Through Exercise
This course is very valuable to every physiotherapist, even without working with older adult patients. It is very valuable on a personal level because we all have relatives that are ageing and we also are going to age. So we should provide the care that we would like to be provided to us.
Fall Prevention Through Exercise
This course was really helpful to me by giving an idea of how to prescribe group balance exercises and the dosage
Manju Paul
Fall Prevention Through Exercise
1 Corsi
1829 Partecipanti
247 Recensioni
4.2 Stelle
Ulteriori informazioni.

Prevenzione delle cadute con l’esercizio

1-1.5 Ore


Chris Tuckett

Presentato da Chris Tuckett