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I am going to show you around all the online and on-demand courses that you can do on Plus. As you can see, there are currently over 600 courses on the site.

Once you have Full or Pro membership, you can access all of these courses at no extra charge. A single course is usually about an hour to two hours long. You can enter a course by clicking on it here. On the course page, you’ll see the course title, who the instructor is, the duration of the course, as well as how many participants have taken part in the course, reviews and star rating for the course. You can view your progress in the course here or you can view your progress on this dropdown menu. You can view the course accreditations here. Use the dropdown menu to check if the course is accepted or accredited in your country of registration.

Each course has an introduction, aims and an outline of the course. It also has the learning outcomes and requirements to complete the course. If you have questions, there’s a link to follow. Note that to earn points for CPD or CEU, compulsory activities are indicated in an orange circle on the course page. Each course has a course video (sometimes there’s more than one video per course) and a reading page.

You may leave the course and come back to complete it at a later stage, if you need to. You can keep track of your progress on the progress bar at the top of the page.

To complete the course, you need to complete the quiz. You can then complete the course evaluation form and optionally share your reflection in the course discussion forum or record your reflection in your activity log.

Plus also has an Ask the expert section where you can engage with the instructor of the course. Additional resources are listed at the bottom of the page.

You can easily search the courses using these boxes at the top of the course listings page. First of all, I’ll show you that as a trial member, you can only access two courses. This will give you a taste for our courses. Once you’ve signed up for Full membership, you can access all 600 courses at no extra charge.

You can search these courses with keywords. For instance, if we search for “knee”, you can see that there are 57 courses on the knee. To clear your search, click on the clear search button. You can also search these courses by category, so you may want to look at musculoskeletal courses. You can also search by crediting organization. So we’re currently working with a select number of accrediting organizations who in countries where you’re required to have accreditation, you can click on this link to view all course accreditation details. You can select your country and click view details. You will be able to see further information about accreditation in that country, and also find a list of courses accredited in that country. Or you can search by instructor. So we have a long list of course instructors that work with us to produce these courses. They are internationally renowned experts. If you’d like to search further through the instructors, you can have a look at this link at the top of the page. This will take you to all the instructors that we work with. If you would like to look at a particular instructor, you can click on their profile and explore their experience, how people engage with their course and the courses that they have on Plus.

Back at the search bar, you can use the sort function which allows you to sort the courses according to your selection. You can search by release date, length of course, popularity or title. If you are interested to see what other people are learning about select to sort courses by trending. You’ll see a pink banner on the course indicating that it is currently a trending course.

You can also combine search functions. You can choose a category of courses, for example anatomy, and add an additional filter by say, selecting a country. That way you’ll be provided with a selection of courses on your chosen topic, anatomy, but also know that those courses that appear in the search are accepted in your country.

Once you’ve completed our courses, you will always get a certificate. Once you’ve passed the quiz, you’ll get your personalized certificate for every course that you complete. So all your certificates are accessible on your My Certificates page, you’ll also be awarded CPD points and CEUs. More details about this are listed on the Accreditations page, and we’ll also have a video with more information about certificates and CPD or CEU points.

And then finally, for everything that you do, it’s recorded in your professional practice portfolio in Plus. Everything is added to your activity log. So everything you do is here in the activity log, which you can then export to prove and evidence your learning.

So that’s it, that’s a tour around our courses and all the functionality that goes with the courses. We hope you enjoy.

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